LT Construction in the Press: News, Interviews, and Reports — LT Construction

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LT Construction in the Press: News, Interviews, and Reports


Green Guide Spain (Septic Tanks & Water Saving Solutions)

“We can do that with Lee safe in the knowledge that if he runs into anything unforeseen, he will cope with it and contact us to discuss it further. The other important thing is to be able to communicate immediately and Lee is easily contactable by phone and e-mail. Over the years he has become a valuable source of advice and information and is ever ready to try to find a solution to the varied issues that have arisen. He is generous with his time and has helped us in ways that go far beyond the job in hand. Using English builders when we don’t speak Spanish was very helpful.” 


Green Guide Spain (Septic Tanks)

“…If you are considering selling your home and it has a fosa negra (a brick soak-away), it may be advisable to have it changed now while you have the time rather than rush to comply at the last minute to the new rule changes from the local Town Halls. Having your DAFO certificate already issued can be a relief. The issues associated with septic tanks are not many but when they go wrong they can be expensive to rectify. Such as blocked waste pipes under terraces: cracked and seeping inlet pipes; land slippage when the whole tank starts to slid down the hill to bad smells wafting across your outside dinning area or into your home…. ”


The Sentinella - Axarquia (Boulder Walls as Retaining Walls)

“If you look at large boulder walls closely you will notice that any given boulder is only touching its neighbour in four or five places and so there is very little structural strength in the wall. They tend to be built only two or three boulders deep, (when they should be four or five)…”


The Grapevine (Septic Tanks & Water Saving Solutions)

“LT Construction an English building company in Malaga has also pioneered here in Andalusia the use of adding an additional filtration tank to the septic tank for use of the wastewater to irrigate the garden. The benefit of this system is that 95% of the metered water is reused on the garden rather than leaching into the ground where it pollutes the water table…”